Reiki Energy Healings
Release that which is no longer serving you; fears, old patterns, limiting beliefs, trauma, stagnant or blocked energy that is holding you back and keeping you feeling stuck. This healing will align your chakra energy centres, leaving you feeling loved, relaxed, peaceful and ready to move forward.
Alongside the beautiful Reiki, I also incorporate therapeutic grade essentials oils, crystals & gemstones, oracle cards, and sound healing. You’ll also leave with a gift from me to take the healing powers of your session with you, allowing for it to continue into the days to come.
A 2 hr session is necessary for all new clients, and returning clients where your most recent healing with me was more than 3 months ago, or where your life circumstances have changed since your last session. My 90 minute sessions are for ongoing regular clients, continuing your ongoing healing work. If you’re unsure of how long to book, please feel free to give me a call.
2 hr for $222
90 mins for $180
Past Life Regression Healing
Regress to a past life, understand the ties it has to this one, and release those attachments with a delicious and transformative healing. This goes beyond just the regression and the remembering, releasing blocks from a past life that are holding us back, and keeping us feeling stuck, allowing you to move forward to find freedom & flow.
2.5 hours for $280
Distant Energy Healings
One beautiful thing about Reiki energy is that it transcends space & time. This healing is every bit as delicious as a face to face healing, and is done through a video call. It is a beautiful way to access the healing if you live a little further away (or across the world!), or perhaps if you are unwell and unable to join me here. You will be astounded by how incredible the experience can be over the distance, and will receive detailed notes on the healing for you to keep.
60 mins for $140
Monthly Women's Soul Healing Circle
Women have been gathering together in circle since the beginning of time, and when
we come together in community, we create beautiful and powerful connections, and expand our heart energy. We move and shift that which is no longer serving us, we support one another, and embrace every bit of what makes each of us so beautifully unique and perfect.
For more information, visit
Angelic Reiki Level 1 & 2
Personal & Practitioner Level Training
Aug 1 - 3, 2025
This workshop is a beautiful & powerful training where you will receive transformational clearings and attunements from the Angelic Kingdom of Light.
This workshop will impart to the student a complete system of healing. This workshop delivers both level 1 and level 2 attunements to train the student to Practitioner level, but can be used by the student in whatever capacity feels right and aligned for them.
Healing used in conjunction with the Angels and Reiki symbols attuned through the Angelic vibration. Healing Angels will then work with you on a permanent basis.
For more information on what this course entails, visit